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We are so honored that you would stop by. We believe that there is no coincidence in you landing here. Please feel free to stay a while and have a look around this site. It is our hope and prayer that you will find something specific and special just for you.

Vision Statement:

At The By Design Transformation Center, we believe in the power of divine guidance and intentional living. Our commitment to the global community is to be a catalyst for positive change, fostering a world where individuals are empowered to live purposefully and in alignment with the divine blueprint designed for each life we touch.

We're here to come alongside individuals, couples, and families with relevance and grace at each stage of their journey. No matter who you are, where you have been, what you are going through, or the challenges you may be facing, we're here to help.

If the Lord shows us a need, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we seek to provide solutions. With an abundance of practical resources like Pastoral Counseling, Christian Life Coaching, Inner Healing & Deliverance Ministry, Groups, Mentorship, Classes, Workshops, Conferences, Blogs, and Podcasts, as well as partnerships with other organizations and ministries that we support, we're committed to providing trustworthy, biblical guidance and support to help create healthy, happy and whole marriages, families, and homes.

We believe the Word of God has provided instruction to help us in every area of our lives, and that when we are intentional to align our lives according to God's divine design, we can truly live our best lives.

Stop just getting by. TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE! Start thriving and living your best life! By Design!

Statement of Beliefs:

At the By Design Transformation Center, our Christian Counseling and Life Coaching services are firmly anchored in a set of core beliefs derived from the teachings of the Bible. We affirm that the Scriptures serve as the ultimate source of wisdom and guidance for all aspects of life, including counseling. We believe in the transformative power of God's Word and the Holy Spirit in facilitating healing and restoration. The Bible illuminates the path to emotional and spiritual well-being, offering profound insights into the complexities of the human experience. Our counseling approach is rooted in the understanding that individuals are fearfully and wonderfully made, and we strive to honor the inherent dignity and worth bestowed upon each person by God. We embrace the principles of love, compassion, and grace, recognizing that true healing comes through a holistic integration of faith and psychological well-being. Our commitment is to walk alongside individuals, couples, and families, offering biblically sound counsel that aligns with the transformative truths revealed in the Word of God.

We Believe In:

  1. The Triune God: We believe in one God who exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  2. The Bible: We believe that the Bible is the inspired and authoritative Word of God, revealing God's will for humanity.

  3. Jesus Christ: We believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, fully God and fully human, who lived a sinless life, died on the cross for our sins, rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven. Through faith in Him, we find salvation.

  4. Salvation by Grace: We believe in salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, not by our own works. It is a gift from God.

  5. The Holy Spirit: We believe in the Holy Spirit, who dwells in believers, empowering and guiding them in their Christian journey.

  6. Humanity: We believe that all humans are created in the image of God but have fallen into sin, needing redemption through Christ.

  7. The Church: We believe in the universal Church, the body of Christ, and the local church as a community of believers for worship, fellowship, and service.

  8. Sacraments: We recognize sacraments like baptism and the Lord's Supper as symbolic acts that express and deepen our faith.

  9. Second Coming: We believe in the second coming of Christ, where He will judge the living and the dead, and establish His eternal kingdom.

  10. Eternal Life: We believe in the resurrection of the dead and eternal life with God for those who have accepted Christ.


  • In summary, while therapy focuses on addressing mental health concerns, pastoral counseling integrates spiritual beliefs, life coaching emphasizes goal achievement and personal development, and mental health coaching promotes mental wellness and resilience. Each approach offers unique benefits and may be suited to different individuals based on their needs, preferences, and goals.

    Therapy addresses mental health issues, emotional challenges, and behavioral patterns. It is conducted by licensed professionals such as Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Licensed Clinical Social Workers, or Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, who aim to help individuals understand and manage their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Therapy often involves structured sessions and treatment plans tailored to the individual's needs, utilizing evidence-based approaches such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Psychoanalysis, or Dialectical Behavioral Therapy to improve mental well-being and resolve psychological difficulties.

    Pastoral counseling integrates psychological principles with spiritual beliefs to address emotional and spiritual concerns. Conducted by clergy members or religious leaders trained in counseling techniques, it explores issues related to faith, purpose, and values within the context of mental health. Pastoral counselors offer guidance based on religious teachings, incorporating practices like prayer and scripture reading alongside traditional counseling methods, emphasizing the integration of spiritual beliefs into therapy.

    Life coaching aims to assist individuals in setting and achieving personal or professional goals, enhancing self-awareness, and making positive changes in various aspects of their lives, including career, relationships, health, and personal development. Conducted by trained professionals, life coaches collaborate with clients to identify goals, overcome obstacles, and devise action plans for desired outcomes. Sessions are often future-focused and goal-oriented, emphasizing empowerment, accountability, and action steps. Coaches employ techniques like motivational interviewing, goal setting, and accountability structures to support clients in reaching their objectives.

    Mental health coaching focuses on enhancing mental well-being, resilience, and coping skills, bridging the gap between therapy and life coaching. Practitioners, who may have backgrounds in psychology, counseling, or coaching, offer support and guidance for individuals seeking to improve their mental health. While not diagnosing or treating mental health disorders, they integrate principles from positive psychology, cognitive-behavioral techniques, and wellness practices to promote mental wellness. Mental health coaches collaborate with clients to identify strengths, set realistic goals, and implement strategies for self-care and resilience-building.

  • Mental health coaching and therapy serve distinct purposes, and while there can be some overlap, they generally differ in their focus, approach, and goals. Here are key differences:

    Mental Health Coaching:

    Future-Focused: Coaching is often oriented toward the future, emphasizing goal-setting and action plans to achieve personal and professional objectives.

    Wellness and Performance: Mental health coaching is designed to enhance overall well-being and performance. It's not just about addressing problems but also maximizing potential.

    Client-Driven Goals: Coaches work with clients to identify and pursue their self-determined goals. The agenda is set by the client, and the coach provides guidance and support.

    Short-Term and Solution-Focused: Coaching tends to be more short-term and solution-focused, helping clients overcome specific challenges and make positive changes.

    Collaborative Partnership: The coaching relationship is often seen as a partnership, with the coach offering support, encouragement, and accountability as the client works towards their goals.

    Therapy or Psychotherapy:

    Past and Present Focus: Therapy often explores past experiences and their impact on present emotions and behaviors. It seeks to understand and resolve underlying issues.

    Treatment of Mental Health Disorders: Therapy is commonly used for diagnosing and treating mental health disorders. Therapists may use various therapeutic approaches to address specific issues.

    Clinical and Diagnostic: Therapists are often licensed mental health professionals with clinical training. They may diagnose and provide treatment plans based on recognized psychological principles.

    In-Depth Exploration: Therapy sessions may involve in-depth exploration of emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, aiming for a deeper understanding of the individual's psychological landscape.

    Longer-Term Engagement: Therapy can be more long-term, especially when dealing with complex issues or chronic mental health conditions. It focuses on ongoing self-discovery and personal growth.

    It's important to note that these distinctions are generalizations, and the actual practices of mental health coaching and therapy can vary. Some individuals may benefit from a combination of both, depending on their needs and goals. Additionally, mental health coaching is not a substitute for therapy in cases of severe mental health disorders that require clinical intervention.

  • IHDR is NOT counseling or coaching. It’s a gentle, yet powerful, tool for inner healing, prophetic deliverance, and restoration.

  • 60 - 90 minute sessions

    There will be 1 or 2 IHDR Practitioners in the room who are praying for you and guiding you through a process of connecting with God.

    As the Holy Spirit leads, you’ll be invited to ask Father God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit about 1) lies you’re believing, 2) wounds that need healing, 3) people to forgive, 4) unhealthy relational/generational ties to break, and 5) sins to renounce.

    You’ll invite God into your areas of pain and experience a fresh revelation of God’s love for you. You’ll learn God’s perspective on whatever situation you’re facing, and this insight will bring the next layer of freedom you need.

    Each IHDR is specific to the person being ministered to, and every session is unique. God knows best what you need, and our goal is to facilitate the next step of your healing journey.

    You’re invited to offer feedback and confirm/deny the direction your Practitioner(s) is heading throughout the session.

  • If you’re currently experiencing a traumatic situation, or you’ve suffered a recent loss… then we don’t recommend starting with an IHDR Session.

    In this case, we suggest starting with counseling. Most of our counselors have taken the training courses and are knowledgeable in the integration of IHDR tools into a session. They will also refer you to an IHDR Session as needed.

  • IHDR Sessions are scheduled on an as-needed basis. This is because (unlike counseling or coaching) IHDR is not a process-based service.

    Our aim is that you’ll have a true one time encounter. Most clients, however, will come back for another IHDR anywhere from 1-12 months after their first session.

    On rare occasions (typically when there is a high level of past trauma), you or your IHDR Practitioner may suggest more consistent appointments.

    You may also benefit from alternating between IHDR and counseling sessions to process whatever arises from the IHDR(s).

  • It’s common to book weekly or bi-weekly appointments with your counselor or coach for a period of time. Most clients typically progress from weekly or bi-weekly appointments to monthly maintenance sessions until no longer needed. Some clients will call again in the future if support is needed in another area of life.

    We suggest that you and your counselor or coach discuss a plan during your first meeting about how often to book and re-evaluate your progress throughout the process.

    Inner Healing, Deliverance, and Restoration Sessions are typically more of a specific and specialized service to accompany or enhance counseling or coaching results and intended to be more of a one or two session type of service, unless dealing with multiple issues.

  • Unfortunately, not at this time. Currently, insurance companies do not pay for Pastoral Counseling, Life Coaching or IHDR Sessions.

  • Coaches: $75 per one-hour session

    Pastoral Counselors: $90 per one-hour session

    Therapists: $125 - $150 per one-hour session

    IHDR Practitioners: $200 per 90-minute session

  • We have consulted with our Board of Directors who are like-minded, Christian, business professionals with extensive experience and education in the business world. They have conducted research and done market analysis, as well as reviewed our budget as a company and determined the rates for services based on what we need coming in to cover overhead, the cost of staying in business, and paying qualified Practitioners for their time, education, and expertise. The cost of comparable services is 2-3 times greater than what they have set our rates at in order to offer affordability to the clients we serve.

    In extreme cases of financial hardship, we may be able to provide a sliding fee scale based on the Board’s review of your application which will require income, family size, and need. We are also looking into grants, funding, and sponsors for extreme circumstances.

    We also suggest selecting to work with your Practitioner on a reduced schedule if finances are tight in any given season. For example, in order to stay within an allotted budget, you could choose to meet with your Practitioner once or twice a month versus weekly. As much as we are a business with overhead and operating costs, we are passionate about helping people, so we will always do our best to find the balance between making services affordable to the clients we serve, while also stewarding WELL the company and employees God has entrusted to us.

  • No. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call 911 or your local emergency number.

    For U.S. clients - If you or someone you know is in a mental health crisis, you can also:

    1) Call or text 988 to connect with the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

    2) Chat with them at https://988lifeline.org/chat/

  • Depending on which Practitioner you are working with, we do offer a limited number of after-hours and Saturday appointments. This will depend on your Practitioner’s availability, and you can indicate your preference on your intake forms so that you can be matched with a Practitioner who may have availability consistent with your scheduling needs.

  • Thank you for your generosity! All donations are used to expand the work of our ministry to serve clients, couples, families who otherwise couldn’t afford the support they deserve and need, in addition to missions work and outreach to bring hope to broken systems and communities.

    Go here to donate.

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